Therefore, strengthen the hands that are weak, and the knees that are feeble, and make straight paths for your feet, so that the limb which is lame, may not be put our of joint, but rather be healed.
We who by faith in Jesus Christ are members of His body, and as such each member has a responsibility to all the other members. One of these responsibilities is to lift up the hands which hang down, and the feeble knees by, helping, encouraging, and strengthening fellow believers. It is especially important to the new believer, who is just learning to walk the straight path, and those that are weak in the faith.
How can we be sure we are making straight paths for our feet. We must closely follow the Lord, for He alone has the power to make crooked places straight.
When I first became a Christian, I was told a story about a highway a believer in Christ must walk.
It was a 4 lane highway, with a yellow line down the middle of two lanes, with all the cars going in the same direction. To walk the straight line, meant that the cars on the road I was on, would all be going the same way. To walk that straight and narrow path, I was to face the cars coming at me, and walk the yellow line going in the opposite direction, never wavering, but putting my trust in God to keep me on the straight and narrow path.
This has not always been easy, but I thank those that reached out and walked with me, when I needed a helping hand.