Isaiah 48:18 God says if only you had paid attention to My commandments.
God wants to bless us in so many ways, but to do this we need to be in the word on a daily basis to see, and hear what He has to say to us. From experience, I can tell you that I was very lax in studying His word, when I first accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. Oh I would pick up my Bible, and read a chapter or two, then walk away feeling very proud of my self, but I did not see or hear what He had to say to me. I felt I went to Church on Sunday, and heard the sermon, and it was OK because I was faithful in that. I know that the blessings I receive now by being in the word every day, that I could have had those blessing much earlier. This was not God’s fault, it was mine alone.
People have written books on the life of Jesus Christ, and what He did as a child, but they miss the picture. They know He was a carpenter, because Joseph was a carpenter; but what else did He do?
In the Book of Luke chapter 2, we read where the family when Jesus became twelve, had went to Jerusalem for the feast of Passover, but when it came time for them to leave that Jesus was not with them. They supposed Him to be in the caravan, and when they could not find Him, they returned to Jerusalem looking for Him. They found Him in the temple, both listening and asking questions of the Teachers. In Luke 2:49 Jesus said to them “Why is it that you were looking for me? Did you not know that I had to be in my Fathers house?”
If Jesus our Lord and Savior read the scripture, then we should all the more.