John 1:1

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

When I first became a Christian, I would try to get everyone saved, until I became a nuisance to everyone.  

Many would say: Oh I believe, and not want to share scripture. This confused me at first, but in time I began to realize that weather they were saved or not, everyone at one time or another heard a scripture and remembered it.

I remember being told that money was the root of all evil, and me being a new believer in Jesus Christ, I felt that by trying to save money I was sinning.  I heard on the television the preachers saying send money to get the word out.  I began to send money to keep from sinning, until I read for myself that the LOVE of money was the root of all evil.

I now know that those I was witnessing to, did not want to hear about this Jesus I had accepted as my Savior. They did not want to hear about how He was born in Bethlehem, was raised in Nazareth, lived for 33 ½ years, died on a cross for my sins, was buried and rose again on the third day.

I wonder if sometimes God thinks:  Why can’t you believe my Word saved you?  All you have to do is believe!