Colossians 1:14

in whom we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins.

This scripture should remind us of what Jesus Christ did for us, so we could have forgiveness of our sins.

Do we ever stop and think of the Cross, and the agony that Jesus went through, as he was nailed there, shed His blood, and died to give us that forgiveness?  There was no other way for God than to offer His only begotten Son.

We have a tendency to ask the Father to forgive us when we sin, and say: “In the name of Jesus Christ I pray,” but do we put the Cross before our prayer, or do we just ask, and believe it is done?  Not thinking of what our Savior did, and at what a cost.

This little story gives us a better understanding: It seems that a father gave his child a credit card to buy something, and he or she over used it, not realizing what it would cost the father to repay the debt.

That blood on that Cross is not free, it cost the Savior His life.