The fear of man brings a snare. But he who trusts in the Lord will be exalted.
Have you ever felt that God has asked you to do something, and in your mind you began to think; how much will this cost, who will pay me for this, how long will it take, this is too much for me right now.
This morning I heard a story that reminded me of the difference between fear, and trust, that I would like to share.
The story tells of Moses when he led the people out of Egypt. They had been slaves for so long, I am sure they wondered if God had forsaken them.
The Pharaoh after denying the request of Moses several times, he let them go. Then regretted his decision, and sent his army after them to bring them back. The Egyptians had come to the red sea, and seeing the army coming after them cried out to God to save them.
God parted the red sea, and dried the land for them to pass. They had a decision to make, either go forward and have the waters come back over them, or give up to Pharaoh’s army. But one man stepped forward, and put his trust in the Lord. The rest followed and were safe.