Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you shall be saved, you and your household.
This verse has never been more true to me, then what happened to my family.
One morning I woke up and felt as if something inside of me, was telling me to get baptized. I did not know Jesus Christ, and wondered how to do as asked. The command was so great, that I knew I had to find out how to get this done. I called my sister, and told her what had happened, and if she knew how I could get baptized. She was silent for a second or so, and then said she had the same feeling, and we had to talk to a preacher to do this.
After several calls to local churches, I found one that would talk to us about how we could get this done. He asked us to meet him at his church the next Tuesday to discuss it.
The next Tuesday I drove over to pick up my sister, to keep our appointment. When we arrived, the Pastor asked if we knew Jesus Christ, and what He had done for us on the Cross. When we told him no, the pastor told us, that if we would attend church every Sunday for two months, he would baptize us. We agreed to his conditions, and two months later while singing “Just as I am,without one plea, O lamb of God I come to thee” I went forward and gave my life to Jesus Christ. My sister had to work that Sunday, but she followed the following Sunday.
I began to pray for my husband to come to Christ, and 17 years later, he answered the call, and asked Jesus to come into his heart. Because I listened to that voice, all my family and in-laws accepted Jesus Christ and are walking with Him.
Revelation 3:20 tells us;
Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with Him, and he with Me/